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Section 1. Name

The name of this association shall be National Educational Opportunity Centers Association.

Section 2. Composition

The composition of the Association shall include Educational Opportunity Center personnel and personnel of similar programs.



Section 1. Purpose

The purpose of the Association is to provide a vehicle through which Educational Opportunity Centers and similar programs can aid disadvantaged student and pre-student populations to obtain a quality education by (1) reviewing, evaluating and recommending legislation affecting the development of educational opportunities and (2) developing institutional approaches that will provide greater educational opportunities.

Section 2. Functions

The Association shall seek to accomplish its purpose by:

  1. Establishing a communication network among directors and staff of the Educational Opportunity Centers;
  2. Investigating, evaluating and monitoring local, state and federal legislation for the establishment of programs designed to identify and serve the economically and educationally disadvantaged and persons with disabilities;
  3. Encouraging and supporting legislation to serve the national and regional needs of economically and educationally disadvantaged persons as determined by the Association;
  4. Acting as a resource to committees of the local, state and federal legislatures and national and regional representatives of the Department of Education;
  5. Engaging in the coordination of efforts with other organizations and persons having purposes supportive of, or in accord with, the Association's concerns;
  6. Establishing an informational clearinghouse and a communications network concerning all legislation on postsecondary education for the economically and educationally disadvantaged and persons with disabilities;
  7. Proposing and engaging in research and evaluation that will enhance the effectiveness of programs designed to provide educational opportunities for the disadvantaged;
  8. Providing technical assistance to Educational Opportunity Centers and similar programs.



Section 1. Categories of Membership

  1. EOC Individual Membership
    • EOC Membership shall include EOC project directors and other EOC professional staff.
  2. Institutional/Agency/Program Membership
    • Institutional/Agency/Program membership shall include Institutional/Agency grantee TRIO EOC programs
  3. Affiliate Membership
    • Affiliate membership shall fall under two categories:
      1. Institutional membership shall include similar programs.
      2. Individual membership shall include persons whose purpose, goals and objectives are consistent with those of the Association.

Section 2. Voting Privileges

  1. Each Institutional/Agency/Program membership in good standing shall designate two voting delegates from their Institution/Agency/Program.
  2. EOC Individual Membership and the Affiliate membership shall be a non-voting membership but shall include the privilege of participation in all other Association activities.

Section 3. Membership Dues

  1. EOC Institutional/Agency/Program membership shall commence upon payment of dues and be in force for the period defined in Article I, Section 3 of the Bylaws.
  2. Affiliate membership shall commence upon payment of dues and be in force for the period defined in Article I, Section 3 of the Bylaws.



Section 1. Composition

The officers of the Association shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. All officers shall be elected in accordance with the Constitution during the annual business meeting of the Association.

<p ">Section 2. Eligibility

  1. EOC members in good standing shall be eligible candidates for all offices of the Association.
  2. Affiliate members are not eligible for candidacy to Association offices.

Section 3. Tenure

Each officer shall be elected for a term of two years and shall not serve more than two consecutive terms.

Section 4. Elections

Officers shall be elected according to the provisions of Article II of the Bylaws.

Section 5. Duties of Officers

  1. The President shall be the chief elected officer of the Association, and shall preside at all meetings of the Association, and also shall appoint a parliamentarian for the full membership term. The President shall be the Chair of the Executive Committee and shall, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, make all appointments to special committees. He/she shall sign all contracts, agreements, and legal documents on behalf of the organization. The President shall serve as chair of the Legislative Review and Advocacy committee and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees.
  2. The Vice President shall serve with the same powers and authority of the President in the event that the President becomes incapacitated or resigns. Incapacitation shall be determined by the Executive Committee. The Vice President shall serve as the Chair of the Annual Conference Planning Committee and an ex-officio representative of all other Committees.
  3. The Secretary shall have both recording and correspondence responsibilities and shall be responsible for maintaining up-to-date records concerning membership status. The Secretary shall serve as chair of the Communications committee which is comprised of the NEOCA newsletter; listserve and website. It shall also be the responsibility of the Secretary to incorporate each meeting's reports from the Treasurer into the official record of the Association.
  4. The Treasurer shall be responsible for the receipt and expenditure of all funds in accordance with fiscal policies established by the Executive Committee. He/she shall disburse funds only upon presentation of duly authorized and approved vouchers / invoices. He/she shall submit a written financial report at all meetings of the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall maintain appropriate and accurate financial records and shall be prepared at any time, on the direction of the Executive Committee, to provide full and accurate financial records to the Association or to the succeeding Treasurer. The Treasurer shall submit an audited report prepared by an independent auditor at the annual conference and shall be under such bond as may be determined by the Executive Committee. The treasurer will serve as chair of the Membership and Credentials committee.

Section 6. Vacancies

Any vacancies unless provided for in this Constitution and Bylaws, shall be filled for the unexpired term through the appointment of the Executive Committee.

Section 7. Role of Immediate Past President

The immediate Past President of the Association shall serve in the position of Executive Secretary to the Association's Executive Board during the period of his/her successor's tenure. If the immediate Past President is not available to serve, the Executive Board will request service from other past presidents.

Section 7. Bonds

The NEOCA Executive Board members will each be bonded for no less than $20,000.



Section 1. Meetings

The supreme authority of the Association shall be the membership. The Association shall meet at least once a year at a time and place fixed by the Executive Committee. Written notices shall be mailed to the addresses on record of all members at least sixty (60) days before the meeting is held.

Section 2. Voting

All Institutional/Agency/Program members in good standing shall select two delegates to vote from their Institution/Agency/Program.



Section 1. Function

The Executive Committee shall have full authority to conduct the affairs of the Association during the interim period between meetings of the Association.
Such authority shall remain within the provisions of the Constitution and shall not conflict with decisions, actions or policies established by the membership.

Section 2. Composition and Election

  1. The Executive Committee shall be comprised of the officers of the Association, the Executive Secretary and the chairpersons of the standing committees.
  2. The Executive Committee shall be elected during the annual meeting of the Association.

Section 3. Meetings

The Executive Committee shall meet monthly. The quorum for a regularly called meeting shall be one-half (1/2) of the Committee's total membership. The President shall have authority to call special meetings at his/her discretion.


Section 1. Standing Committees

  1. Membership and Credentials: It shall be the responsibility of the Membership and Credentials Committee to actively promote membership in the Association. The membership and Credentials Committee shall, for each Association meeting, certify to the Executive Committee the names of eligible voters and shall also be responsible for monitoring and tallying votes when necessary.
  2. Legislative Review and Advocacy: This committee shall specifically address itself to the concerns mentioned in Article II, Section 2.b. and c.
  3. Encouraging and supporting legislation to serve the national and regional needs of economically and educationally disadvantaged persons as determined by the Association;
  4. Communications: This committee shall address itself to the concerns mentioned in Article II, Section 2.b, d, e, f and h.

Section 2. Composition

  1. The composition of the standing committees shall consist of voluntary participants of the membership.
  2. Officers of the Association will serve as chairs of the committees as describe in Article IV, Section 5. For those committees without a designated chair, committee chairs shall be appointed by the President.
  3. Vacancies in committee chair positions shall be filled through appointment by the President.

Section 3. Special Committees

Task oriented special committees shall be established from time to time as the President and the Executive Committee see fit. Such committees shall operate within the Association's purposes and objectives and shall be specifically charged, and shall be automatically dismissed upon completion of task.



Section 1. Source

Roberts Rules of Order Revised (the latest edition published) shall be the parliamentary authority for all proceedings of the Association unless otherwise specified in the Constitution.

Section 2. Parliamentarian

The President shall designate a Parliamentarian for all meetings of the membership and Executive Committee in the absence of the officially appointed Parliamentarian.



Section 1. Procedure

  1. Amendments to this Constitution shall be proposed by:
    1. A majority vote of the Executive Committee,
    2. Unanimous recommendation of a standing committee, or
    3. Any one member qualifying for membership under Article III, Section 2.
  2. Any duly proposed amendment(s) shall be submitted by the President of the Association for discussion at the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Executive Committee
  3. Initial discussion of any duly proposed amendment(s) shall be considered at first reading and no official action shall be taken. The first reading rule shall be waived by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of the Executive Committee.
  4. Any amendment(s) to this Constitution shall become effective when:
    1. It has received a favorable vote of two thirds (2/3) majority of the membership voting on a secret mail ballot conducted by the Association, or
    2. It has received a favorable vote of two thirds (2/3) majority of the membership qualifying under Article III, Section 2, at a duly called meeting of the Association.



The Constitution and Bylaws shall be implemented and go into effect as per decision and schedule of the membership.



In the event of dissolution the NEOCA organization assets will be to the Council for Opportunity In Education another organization which is in itself exempt from Federal Income Tax as an organization described in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provisions of any prior or future Internal Revenue Code.




Section 1. Membership

  1. The categories of membership are defined in the Constitution, Article III, Section 1.
  2. Payment of prescribed membership dues shall constitute a member in good standing.

Section 2. Dues

  1. Membership dues shall be an amount determined annually by the Executive Committee.
    1. $100 – Institutional/Agency/Program member
    2. $75 – Affiliate member
  2. Payment of membership dues shall be made payable to the National EOC Association by the 1st of September each year.
  3. The Executive Committee will inform the Association of membership dues for any given year, no later than 90 days prior to the annual meeting.

Section 3. Membership Year

The membership year shall be January 1st – December 31st each year.



Section 1. Elections

  1. Election of officers shall be held every two years at the annual meeting.
  2. Elections shall be conducted under the supervision of the existing National EOC Association President and the Membership and Credentials Committee.
  3. All persons elected to serve as officers of the Association shall be those who receive the majority of legal votes cast during the Annual conference. Legal voters will be certified by the Membership and Credentials Committee.

Section 2. Nominations

  1. Members in good standing who are present at the Annual Conference may be nominated for Association offices.
  2. Nominations will be made from the floor or in writing to the President prior to the meeting.
  3. Names of members may not be submitted for consideration in absentia for an Association office.



Section 1. Fiscal Responsibility

The executive committee shall not incur any debt or liability exceeding the net assets of the National EOC Association.

Section 2. Meeting Attendance

Any Committee Chair who misses three (3) consecutive meetings, be these regular or special meetings, shall forfeit his/her chair position.

Section 3. Vacancies

Any vacancy occurring in any officer position, other than the President, shall be filled through appointment by the Executive Committee.


Adopted September 1984

Revised September 1997

Revised September 2005

Revised September 2009

Revised September 2012

Revised September 2021